Our future home: 511 SE Court Ave

Our future home: 511 SE Court Ave

I want everyone to provide full disclosure on the building at 511 SE Court Ave. I must have driven by it thousands of times during my time in Pendleton and to be honest I didn't like it. I did not like the motif and the painted plywood panels attached to the brick. The sign was flaking and showed the ghosts of business past on several different layers of paint. 

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Why the name "Oregon Grain Growers Brand Distillery"?

Why the name "Oregon Grain Growers Brand Distillery"?

Since moving back we have been putting a lot of energy into planning the distillery here in Pendleton Oregon. We have visited numerous distilleries in Oregon and Washington taking notes, tasting products, and analyzing layouts. At this time we were also looking at their location. name, branding, and how we felt when touring their facility and tasting room. We also spent a lot of time and money researching their products by tasting and visiting liquor stores and retail locations where their products were sold. We focused on how products looked and read on the shelf. How was their brand represented in the short time we paid attention to it? Did we know where it came from? 

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